Schedule a video call at a time that suits you.

take the next step.

book your wedding consultations here.

why a video call?

Booking your photographer is such a huge part of the wedding planning process. I find a video call is the quickest and most efficient way to get all the information exchanged on both sides. It saves lots of emailing back and forth with questions and gives us a chance to meet (virtually) and have good chat Also I absolutely I love to hear about your love stories and find out about your weddings plans so far. There is no pressure to make any decisions on booking on the call as I’m sure you’ll both want to discuss things after, you can just pop me an email and let me know when you know.

how it works

  • Choose the type of consultation you require. Initial or 3 week Check-in.

  • Click on the dates to see my availability for a video call and see the timings available.

  • Initial Enquires - Please fill out the basic wedding information form. If I have no availability for your date I will contact you within 24hrs.

  • If you have already booked your wedding and its time for your 8 week pre-wedding day catch-up, your form will be more extensive to iron out your final weddings details. So set aside some time to get this filled out when making your booking.

  • There will be a link to a video call meeting on your confirmation email. Save the email & click on the link 5 minutes before your scheduled call.

  • I hope to meet both Bride and Groom if possible which I appreciate can be hard with busy lives so I do offer evening appointments on Wednesday & Thursday.

  • I would recommend setting up an account on the last page of the initial booking process. This way you a can login and change your forms, adjust your appointment if needed and book a 3 weeks check-in with ease in the future.